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加征新 tariffs后,美国人将面临的成本


  1. 汽车 industry: 美国加征新 tariffs对到达美国的汽车造成了不利影响。因此,US汽车制造商面临着与中国加税增加相似的大规模裁员和工厂关闭。
  2. 农产产物: 美国通过加征新 tariffs降低了将出口产品带入美国市场的成本,从而导致加征新 tariffs对美国农产产物造成了不利影响。
  3. 能源行业: 加征新 tariffs对美国电池制造业产生了重大影响。因此,美国国有公司和私营企业面临着巨大的增加的生产成本。
  4. 服务业: 美国加征新 tariffs对商业与旅游业造成了不利影响。因此,美国经济增长受到的影响很大。

美国政府采取措施解决加征新 tariffs背后的问题

  1. 政策调整: 在2022年2月,当选的副总统奥巴马于接受经济学家和代表机构演讲时,提到美墨自由贸易公约 (USMCA)将成为美国新政府政策。
  2. 经济增长: 在3月,奥巴马和首席经济顾问贾拉莫斯·格雷格·迈纳在他们的前言中表示,美墨关系是美利坚联邦政府最重要的外交关注点之一。
  3. 自由贸易政策: 美国政府正在考虑制定新的政策,以促进自由贸易和加征新 tariffs背后的问题的解决。这将涉及改善商业、投资和移民政策。



This article reports on the recent raids and arrests of alleged members of the Gamasutra Information and Resource (GISB), also known as the Gamasutra group, in Malaysia. The group was accused of human trafficking, forced labor, and other serious human rights abuses.

According to the report, GISB members were allegedly subjected to long hours of work in factories producing halal food products, including sauces and noodles. Workers at these factories would be sprayed with a concoction made from leaders’ saliva, body hair, and bathwater, known as “holy water.” The group’s overseas assets, which were valued at millions of dollars, were reportedly used to gain popularity and build influence.

Former members reported that they were indoctrinated into the group at a young age and lived in company dorms while attending reeducation programs. Some former members also stated that they had multiple wives and children who they needed to support due to the group’s lack of social skills and economic opportunities outside of the group.

The article notes that many of those who grew up inside the group have few life skills and struggle to find employment or integrate into mainstream society. The report quotes one former member stating that “one day they hope to reap the rewards of their devotion.”

The raids on GISB members were part of a broader crackdown by Malaysian authorities on human trafficking and exploitation networks in the country. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim promised to help efforts to address misconduct at the group, despite the allegations of serious human rights abuses.

It is worth noting that this report appears to be based on interviews with former members of GISB, which may not reflect the views or experiences of everyone who was involved in the group. However, it does provide a detailed account of the alleged abuses and the challenges faced by those who grew up inside the group.

由于美国对加拿大、中国和拉丁美洲国家的关税 imposed by Donald Trump 的减费措施而出行,以下是这些项将从加车的费用增加的可能来源:


  1. 飞机票 price:随着 tariffs 的实施,航空公司将需要通过更高的价格将乘客绑带到美国。例如,航班距离较近的地区将出现更高的费用。 Airlines 将为此收取的额外成本会影响乘客的旅行选择。
  2. 进口商品:随着关税增加,美国的进口价格将上升。这些物品可能来自拉丁美洲国家,例如糖果、蔬菜和啤酒,因此进口的成本将因美国对这些商品的减费而增加。
  3. 汽车产销:加拿大和中国制造的汽车将被关税降低,从而导致其价格上升。由于这些汽车必须通过美联邦 Customs 和 Border Protection (CBP) 进行进口 customs,tariffs 的实施会导致进口额外的费用。
  4. 船舶和海 freight:美国对中国和加拿大的轮船服务将面临减费措施的影响。轮船服务包括运输货物、人种和机器,这些服务在加州出租车公司被减少之前,通常比其他形式更为昂贵。
  5. 电信和网络:美国关税减费措施可能会导致电信和网络服务的价格上升。这包括移动电话、 internet 和其他电信服务。这些服务将因使用不良或非法数字信号而受到关税减费的影响,进而导致更多的费用。

请注意,每个国家对美国关税的反应不同,因此以下信息可能会根据具体情况有所不同。但是,所有这些因素都将导致美国旅行者、商业企业和个人在关税减费措施实施后面可能遇到的成本增加。 The article discusses the potential impact of President Trump’s new tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico on various industries in the United States. Here are some key points:

  1. Steel and aluminum: The Trump administration has imposed 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imported from countries like Canada, which accounts for about a quarter of American steel exports. This could lead to price increases for domestic industries that rely heavily on imported steel.
  2. Lumber: Softwood lumber imports from Canada are expected to increase by $3 billion to $4 billion under the new tariffs. This is due in part to the US’s reliance on Canadian lumber for construction and homebuilding materials.
  3. Electronics: The article notes that electronics, including cellphones, TVs, laptops, and video game consoles, are among the top goods imported from China last year. Trump’s new tariffs could lead to price increases for these products, which are often assembled or manufactured in Asia.
  4. Toys and sports equipment: Canada is a major supplier of shoes and other footwear, with 99% of US-made shoe sales coming from imports. The article also notes that the United States relies heavily on China for toys and sporting equipment, such as footballs, soccer balls, and baseballs.
  5. Recession-proof vs. tariff-proof: While beer and liquor are not subject to tariffs, many other consumer products like soft drinks, snacks, and clothing may be affected by increased prices due to higher raw material costs.

The article highlights the potential impact of these tariffs on various industries, including:

  • Homebuilding: The increase in lumber prices could lead to higher construction costs and potentially reduce demand for new homes.
  • Electronics: Higher raw material costs could lead to price increases for consumer electronics.
  • Sports equipment: Increased costs due to tariffs could affect the manufacturing and supply chains for sports equipment.
  • Footwear: The increase in footwear costs could impact consumers, particularly those who rely on imports from China.

Overall, the article suggests that Trump’s new tariffs may have significant impacts on various industries, highlighting the potential challenges for businesses and consumers alike.

2022 年 11 月 18 日,美国总统特拉vor·米特朗普(Trump)在一项新措施的宣布中表示,将对三国加 duties 的关税增加:


  • 墨西哥:10% 的关税将对imports 依然不应有任何影响。
  • 加拿大:13.42% 的关税将导致特拉vor·米特朗普政府实施 15% 的新关税。
  • 中华人民共和国:25% 的关税将导致特拉vor·米特朗普政府实施 30% 的新关税。 The article discusses the potential impact of new tariffs on various countries that are significant trade partners for the United States. The three main countries affected are Mexico, China, and Canada.


  • Mexico is the top destination for US goods, accounting for $467 billion worth of exports last year.
  • If a blanket tariff is imposed on Mexican imports, it could lead to higher prices for Americans paying for cars, electronics, gas, fresh produce, and consumer electronics that are imported from Mexico through various pipelines.
  • Tractor trailers wait in line at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, on the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, Baja California.


  • China is the second-largest destination for US goods, accounting for $401 billion worth of exports last year.
  • If a blanket tariff is imposed on Chinese imports, it could lead to higher prices for Americans paying for cars, electronics, textiles, and machinery that are imported from China through various ports in California and other US regions.
  • The article notes that the increased costs would not only affect American consumers but also those living abroad who rely on these products.


  • Canada is a significant source of goods for the US, accounting for $377 billion worth of exports last year.
  • If a blanket tariff is imposed on Canadian imports, it could lead to higher prices for Americans paying for cars, electronics, oil, gas, and machinery that are imported from Canada through various ports in British Columbia.

Why these countries?

  • The article notes that the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was renegotiated by the Trump administration to strengthen trade relations with Mexico.
  • However, President Biden has maintained many of the tariffs imposed by his predecessor, which negatively impacted the amount of goods that were exported from China.

Key implications:

  • The article notes that a blanket tariff on all three countries could lead to higher prices for consumers and businesses across the US.
  • American car manufacturers are particularly vulnerable as they assemble vehicles in the US and import parts from Mexico and Canada.

The article concludes by highlighting the potential impact of these tariffs on various industries, including agriculture, energy, and manufacturing. It also notes that the Democratic Party may take a more aggressive stance against Trump’s tariff policies, suggesting that the US will need to reconsider its approach if it wishes to maintain good relations with China and other countries.



美国加征新 tariffs后,美国人将面临的成本


加征新 tariffs( tariffs )于1月30日以来一直存在。根据经济家、国会议员和一些副总统的前言,这些国家会向美国带来成本。


美国将承担经济损失,特别是由于加征新 tariffs导致的价格上涨。


美国政府正在努力通过加征新 tariffs将中国、加拿大和墨西哥关联起来,以满足其政治议程。在这一过程中,国家之间会发生一系列竞争。




  • 加征新 tariffs的背景
  • 加征新 tariffs对美国的经济影响
  • 美国政府采取措施解决加征新 tariffs背后的问题