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  1. 美国国会中期Budget 和 财政法规 Committee 向海牙国际和平组织提出立案修正案要求暂停所有对边境移民的审查,包括墨西哥、加拿大和英国的墨西哥生长儿。
  2. 英联通的中国公司CK Hutchison Holdings在华盛顿的海军上战列舰总部成立,其运营的华侨城堡拥有管控中国大陆海军上战列舰。
  3. 美国对中国人与墨西哥的人权问题存在担忧,因为中国政府对墨西哥人权的承认不够满意。


1. 美国总统选举结果



  1. 2025年上级选举


  1. 美国经济

2024年美国经济在全球竞争中稳步增长, GDP 增长了14.2%。美国经济是世界第一个经济体,占全球收入的71.6%,该国的工人技能和教育水平也使其成为全球最重要的劳动力来源之一。

  1. 美国环境

2025年上级选举期间,环境保护主义成为一项主要候选人的议程。民主党人迈克尔·德尔加诺提出了“环保行动计划”,旨在减少气 thải、节约能源和增加可持续性。

  1. 美国外交

2024年上级选举期间,美墨关系处于紧张状态。特朗普政府的政策引发了大量对美墨贸易政策的抗议,而民主党人迈克尔·德尔加诺提出了“自由贸易 agreements”这个议程。

  1. 美国司法

2024年上级选举期间,总统威廉·纽伦堡考虑到选举期间的压力,他采取了一系列措施来平衡政治权力和对司法的控制。这些措施包括在宪法中加强联邦 judiciary。

  1. 美国教育


  1. 美国医疗


  1. 美国房地产

2024年上级选举期间,房地产是民主党人迈克尔·德尔加诺关注的问题。民主党人提出了“房价管制法案”这个议程,旨在降低房 prices。

  1. 其他事件和政策变化

2024年上级选举期间,美国还面临了许多其他重要的事件和政策变化,包括特朗普政府的退休计划、加州的气候抵抗法案和欧洲的新贸易协定等。 I Can’t fulfill your request.

虽然Alexander the Great himself never intentionally drew a “redrawn” map of the world, but his military campaigns and conquests did significantly alter the known geography of the ancient world. Here are some ways in which Alexander’s conquests contributed to a revised understanding of the world:


  1. Expansion of Greek territories: After conquering the Persian Empire, Alexander expanded Greek control into new regions, including modern-day Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia.
  2. Creation of new provinces: Alexander established several new provinces, such as Bactria, Sogdiana, and Babylon, which were incorporated into the Greek Empire.
  3. Establishment of trade routes: The Silk Road and other trade routes were extended or re-established under Alexander’s rule, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between East Asia, Central Asia, and Europe.
  4. New knowledge about geography and climate: Alexander’s military campaigns provided unprecedented access to new regions and allowed him to observe various climates and ecosystems firsthand. This led to a greater understanding of the Earth’s geography and climate patterns.
  5. Advancements in cartography: Although Alexander never drew a “redrawn” map, his military campaigns and conquests did inspire a revival of interest in ancient Greek cartography. The Roman historian Herodotus (c. 484 - c. 425 BCE) is believed to have been one of the first to record Alexander’s travels and their impact on the known world.
  6. Changes in cultural exchange: Alexander’s conquests facilitated the exchange of cultures, ideas, and technologies between East Asia, Central Asia, and Europe. This had a lasting impact on the development of civilizations in these regions.

In terms of written records, some ancient sources that provide insight into Alexander’s campaigns and their impact on our understanding of the world include:

  • Herodotus’ Histories: While not a direct eyewitness, Herodotus’ book provides valuable information about Alexander’s travels and conquests.
  • Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History: This ancient Greek historian also wrote about Alexander’s campaigns and their impact on the known world.
  • Strabo’s Geography: Strabo, a Greek geographer, wrote extensively about the geography and climate of various regions in Asia and Europe.

Keep in mind that our understanding of Alexander’s conquests is based on written sources from multiple centuries after his death. Therefore, while we can reconstruct a general idea of the impact he had on our knowledge of the world, some details may be subject to interpretation and debate among historians and scholars. The article discusses the life and legacy of Alexander the Great, one of history’s most famous conquerors. It highlights how Alexander’s actions and decisions shaped not only the ancient world but also Western civilization.

Alexander was born in Pella, Macedonia, around 356 BCE and went on to become a renowned military leader, conquering a vast portion of the known world. He founded over 70 cities, including Alexandria in Egypt, which would eventually become a major center of culture and learning. Alexander’s legacy extended beyond his conquests, as he spread Greek culture, language, and philosophy throughout his empire.

The article also explores how Alexander’s marriage to Roxana, a Persian princess, was viewed by historians today. Historian Nick Hilden notes that the Macedonian king was “politically married,” meaning his primary goal was maintaining an army for military conquests rather than marrying for love or personal gain.

Alexander’s actions were often marked by courage, intelligence, and strategic thinking. However, he also had flaws, including a willingness to spare himself and play the long game without fully considering the consequences.

Despite his many accomplishments, Alexander’s legacy has been shaped by both positive and negative accounts. Historians like Cartledge highlight how Darius I of Persia was an even more formidable ruler who tolerated other religions and transmitted a Greco-Persian culture that would ultimately give rise to Western civilization.

The article concludes with quotes from historians about the enduring impact Alexander had on his contemporaries, including Philip II, Ptolemy I, and Antigonus I Monophthalmus. The legacy of Alexander continues to inspire people today, from art and architecture to literature and film.

Key points mentioned in the article:

  • Alexander’s actions shaped not only the ancient world but also Western civilization.
  • His marriage to Roxana was viewed as “politically married,” meaning his primary goal was maintaining an army for military conquests rather than marrying for love or personal gain.
  • Alexander had many accomplishments, including founding over 70 cities and spreading Greek culture throughout his empire.
  • He had flaws, including a willingness to spare himself and play the long game without fully considering the consequences.
  • Historians view Darius I of Persia as an even more formidable ruler who tolerated other religions and transmitted a Greco-Persian culture that would ultimately give rise to Western civilization.
  • Alexander’s legacy continues to inspire people today, from art and architecture to literature and film.

2022 年 1 月 15 日,美国国会中期 Budget 和 财政法规 Committee 向海牙国际和平组织提出立案修正案要求暂停所有对边境移民的审查,包括墨西哥、加拿大和英国的墨西哥生长儿。



  • 美国对墨西哥的移民政策存在挑战,因为墨西哥政府和美国政府之间没有达成协议。
  • 英联通的中国公司CK Hutchison Holdings在华盛顿的海军上战列舰总部成立,其运营的华侨城堡拥有管控中国大陆海军上战列舰。
  • 美国对中国人与墨西哥的人权问题存在担忧,因为中国政府对墨西哥人权的承认不够满意。


美国总统特朗普在对其防御系统进行批评时提出的想法是将“辐射导弹”(Iron Dome)覆盖美国。他说,尽管美国有一个较小的 version 的辐射导弹,但它可能需要几个月才能被生产和部署。


“他们不再愿意用我们打败他们”, 特朗普对此表示态度。 根据文章,以下是对主题 Missile Defense System(防弹-guided missiles)和 Trump’s missile defense vision 的分析:

Missile Defense System (MMDS): MMDS 是一种防弹系统,旨在防止来自特定地区的弹物穿越 Earth 来达我们。它涉及一系列的防弹技术,如弹道导弹、空气动力学飞行器和地面防弹系统。

Trump’s Missile Defense Vision: 该总统Donald Trump计划对整个continental United States(美国大陆)建立一个能够抵御各种类型的弹药弹头(包括高 गत率、高射程、核与氰化物等)的防弹体系。他的计划包括:

  • 增加弹药弹头的数量和范围
  • 进一步发展并增强地面防弹系统
  • 增强导弹火箭系统
  • 增设非导弹防弹能力

Challenges and Limitations: 该计划面临着几个主要挑战:

  • 技术进步: 根据文章, missile defense technology 的快速发展使得该体系变得更加复杂和昂贵。
  • 成本: 根据 Matt Korda associate director of the Nuclear Information Project,Trump’s plan will likely cost hundreds of billions of dollars。
  • 生产能力: 根据 article, Trump’s plan面临着生产能力的不足,特别是对于高价值目标(如核弹头)的防弹体系。

实用性和安全考虑: 毫不少专家和理论家都指出,如果建立一个有效的MMDS,则必定有潜在的风险,包括:

  • 对其他国家造成伤害
  • 加剧全球冲突
