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  1. 杀害案件: 2019年,8名儿童被抓住并释放,导致一群士兵被动地面对 interrogation。
  2. TikTok视频: 在巴基斯坦的 Instagram 中,一位15岁女孩的 TikTok 视频引发了严重争议,她在美国播出内容并与儿童互动。


  1. 保护儿童: how tiktok影响年轻人
  2. 政府对TikTok的担忧
  3. 儿童安全


  • TikTok 的使用率在巴基斯坦已经超过了该国的所有其他服务,导致政府对其行为表示强烈担忧。
  • 由于女孩的视频引发了严重争议,这可能会影响她进入成年人社会后不少方面。
  • 通过对 TikTok 的关注,我们可以了解到儿童在数字世界中受到的潜在风险。


TikTok 是一个需要更多关注的问题,特别是当它影响年轻人的安全。我们需要更好地监管这家公司,并为其做出更好的选择以保护儿童。



The article discusses the potential consequences of Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup DeepSeek becoming a global leader in AI technology. Here are some key points:

Consequences for free speech and public opinion:

  1. Control over narrative: As a global leader, DeepSeek could control the narrative on major global issues, suppressing dissenting voices and presenting China in an idealized light.
  2. Loss of freedom of expression: The app’s ability to present China as the utopian Communist state that it claims is “never existed” would limit people’s freedom of expression and critical thinking.

Security concerns:

  1. National security implications: The White House has been investigating DeepSeek for potential national security risks, which could have catastrophic consequences if the company’s data falls into Chinese hands.
  2. Data storage: DeepSeek claims to store personal information in “secure servers located in the People’s Republic of China,” raising concerns about the security and transparency of its data collection practices.

Comparison with other AI companies:

  1. More permissive data collection: Unlike some Western AI companies, such as OpenAI and Meta, which collect user data through keystroke patterns or biometric data, DeepSeek claims to collect more sensitive information.
  2. Vagely defined allowances for sharing of data: DeepSeek’s use of vague language around sharing user data raises concerns about the company’s intentions.

Impact on Silicon Valley:

  1. Pressure to reconsider AI development: The potential consequences of becoming a global leader in AI could pressure Silicon Valley companies, such as Google and Microsoft, to reevaluate their priorities and focus more on developing AI technologies that benefit all people.
  2. Regulatory scrutiny: The US government’s investigation into DeepSeek for national security implications could lead to regulatory changes that impact the entire industry.

Overall, the article suggests that DeepSeek’s rapid rise to global leadership in AI technology poses significant challenges to free speech, public opinion, and the integrity of artificial intelligence systems.

美国出生的女孩被父亲射杀于巴基斯坦,涉及 TikTok 视频



Pakistan的男性一位因杀害他 15 岁 daughter 因背叛她在美国播出 TikTok 内容而被捕。 事件发生在 southwestern शहर Quetta 上 Tuesday。 被告人是 Anwar ul-Haq,这位 35岁的男子初次称,他未经授权的非法枪支发射子弹杀死他的美国生子女,后者由他父亲向有关人员报告给了警察。 “我们的调查已经发现,该家庭对她进行了一系列不被允许的行为(包括打扮、生活方式和聚会),所以我们相信他们会杀害她的” 一位警察官称。这位警察官说,他有她的手机,-lock。 “我们正在 probing所有方面,包括杀戮案件”他告诉 Reuter 。 “我们已经找到了该家庭认为与 TikTok 内容不合适的 15 岁 daughter 的行为”,另一位警察官 Zohaib Mohsin 说“她在美国时,她开始在美国播出 TikTok 内容并且在她的手机上记录了很多内容”。 “她的手机被锁定 “我们正在调查所有方面,包括残害家庭之道的案件”。 该家族最近回到巴基斯坦省的多数民族国家有非常保守的社会规范,在美国为25年时间才迁回,巴基斯坦省拥有1,140万人。 TikTok在该国每天有54.7 million用户。 该国政府曾经阻止了 Tiktok在2019年进行一项涉及“不合适”内容的调查。 该国在过去五个月中共计杀戮了超过1,000名女性,以他们的家族成员或同性恋者所造成的伤害“残害之道”。

八名被困人员释放,巴勒斯坦人在叙利亚大屠杀事件期间释放人质,叹息中士兵们被动地接受 interrogation。



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