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Sabyasachi Mukherjee(西比萨·穆赫尔jee)是一位印度时尚设计师,他以其极为多样和创意的作品而闻名。他的经典设计包括:

  1. 印度的文化影响:Mukherjee在他母亲 tongue Bengali 中唱的主题曲以及他的音乐作品表明了对印度文化和历史的深信不移。
  2. 地理特征与天然材料:Mukherjee创造出美丽的设计,使用地理特征和天然材料来创作时尚的服装。

2017 年到 2023 年间,他在《纽约时报》和其他重要杂志上写了关于他的故事的文章。这些文章为他推广自己的品牌和产品,并为其代表时尚世界的发展提供了重要支持。





  • 双方同意在2025年底进入高-speed Train模式。
  • 中华人民共和國有计划重新开放位于印度西部Tibet山脉的Mount Kailash和Lake Manasarovar水场的接触。
  • 这些地区在印度民众中被认为是神灵、佛教和基督教等多种传统信仰的重要 pilgrimage sites。
  • 在中国,人们一直试图推动改善与印度关系。


  1. 中华人民共和國同意恢复直接航班
  2. 直升机模式将在2025年底进入使用
  3. 中華人民共和國会重新开放位於印度西部Tibet山脉的Mount Kailash和Lake Manasarovar水场



US President Donald Trump issues executive order to narrow definition of birthright citizenship


  • US President Donald Trump has issued an executive order to narrow the definition of birthright citizenship.
  • A California woman Phoebe Dong was sentenced to over three years in prison for her role in a business that helped pregnant Chinese women travel to the US to give birth.
  • The sentencing comes as birthright citizenship has gained attention in the US with Trump’s return to the White House.


美国总统 Donald Trump đã颁布了一个Executive Order(行政命令)来缩小定义的生 Citizenship(婴儿出生时的权利)。在这种背景下,Phoebe Dong(一名加利福尼亚人)在她的商业公司USA Happy Baby(USAHappyBaby)中帮助Chinese女性 travel到美国给出分娩,这使她被指控助长了“生殖旅行”(birth tourism) schemes。作为一名受影响者,Dong被逮捕并接受刑事处罚,其中包括 41 个月的监禁 Sentence。该案是Trump的总统任期内对美国人出生的婴儿权利的回应。


  • Trump 对于自从总统任期开始以来,已经推迟了定法限制在美国的出生权利。
  • 美国政府和特朗普政府之间有争议,后者称“这没有任何关系”,但前 Trump 政府认为这不合规。

中国在传统的技术赛事中经常被视为“大师”,但最近的AI success(成功出色)却给人们造成了惊讶。 China just welcomed the Chinese translation of “DeepSeek”,一款 AI 项目,显示出了该国技术成就。


The article tells the story of DeepSeek, a Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) startup that is making waves in the tech world by advancing the field of general artificial intelligence (AGI). Here are some key points from the article:

Background: The founder of DeepSeek, Liu Shengqiang, was a 36-year-old graduate student at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou when he came up with his idea for a system that could train large AI models. He co-founded the company in 2015 and has since built it into one of China’s top AI startups.

Unique approach: Unlike many other Chinese tech companies, DeepSeek is not trying to create high-end chips like their US counterparts do. Instead, they are focusing on training large AI models using abundant computing resources. They have a basketball court-sized AI supercomputer that can process data much faster than traditional computers.

Recruitment and culture: The company has a unique recruitment model where fresh graduates from top Chinese universities can join the team as researchers and engineers. This approach allows them to tap into the best talent and expertise in China, rather than relying on external sources.

Innovation and progress: DeepSeek’s research is focused on advancing the field of general artificial intelligence, which encompasses a broad range of AI techniques that are not limited to just computer vision or natural language processing. The company has made significant progress in recent years, with their systems demonstrating state-of-the-art performance in various AI tasks.

Comparison to US tech giants: DeepSeek’s approach is different from what US tech companies like Google and Microsoft do. While they may be able to create complex software solutions, they often rely on external talent and resources to do so. In contrast, DeepSeek has a strong focus on building their own teams of researchers and engineers.

China’s technology drive: The article highlights China’s increasing emphasis on technological innovation and self-reliance in the face of US tech competition. The Chinese government has made significant investments in AI research and development, and companies like DeepSeek are playing a key role in advancing this field.

The future of AI: As the article notes, the future of AI is uncertain, but one thing is clear: China will likely continue to play a major role in shaping the industry. With its unique approach and focus on innovation, DeepSeek is well-positioned to make significant contributions to the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

Donald Trump vừa发布了自己的清晰图像,最 rõ ràng地表明了新的关税政策是什么样子。





    1. 医疗保健: 谷歌计划增加对药物和医疗保健的税率。
    1. 电子设备: 谷歌计划增加对电子设备的税率,包括计算机、手机和汽车。
    1. 钢铁: 谷歌将在未来的几年内增加对钢铁的税率。
    1. 其他商品: 谷歌还计划增加对其他商品的税率,例如药品、电子设备、钢铁和其他商品。







2024年, snakes 可以期待着:


  1. 社会和情感方面: snakes 在家庭、友谊和情感上的工作可能会更成功。与人相关的工作、社交活动或私密信息可能变得更加重要。
  2. 创造性和灵活性: snakes 可以更好地利用自己的 creativity 和flexibility来解决问题和实现目标。有更多时间可以放松并适应环境变化。
  3. 财务方面: snakes 的财务表现通常较好,收入可能会增加,并且他们的商业 Ventures也许将有成功。
  4. 外出旅行: snakes 可能更倾向于旅行或参加活动。考虑到社交和与人接触,这种趋势是非常有吸引力的。
  5. 健康问题: snakes 可以面临一些身体上的问题,如食欲不振、体重减轻等,但这并不意味着他们需要害怕健康的问题。他们可以通过饮用适当的食物和保持良好的卫生习惯来应对这些挑战。

2025年, snakes 的生活可能会有更多的变革:

  1. 情感方面: snakes 在情感上的工作或关系可能会变得更加复杂。他们需要更好地理解他人的动机和需求,以及适当的沟通技巧。
  2. 创造性和灵活性: snakes 可以更好地适应环境变化,利用自己的 creativity 和flexibility来解决问题和实现目标。
  3. 财务方面: snakes 的财务表现可能会变得更加复杂,收入或工作可能需要更多努力才能实现目标。
  4. 外出旅行: snakes 可能更倾向于参加活动或旅行。考虑到社交和与人接触,这种趋势是非常有吸引力的。
  5. 健康问题: snakes 可以面临一些身体上的问题,如食欲不振、体重减轻等,但这并不意味着他们需要害怕健康的问题。他们可以通过饮用适当的食物和保持良好的卫生习惯来应对这些挑战。

总之,2024年和2025年的 snakes 可以期待着更加积极的生活表现,并且有更多的机会将自己的 creativity 和灵活性发挥出来。 Here’s a summary of the article:

The geomancer’s guide to 2025 is divided into several sections that highlight the characteristics and potential events associated with each zodiac sign:

Yearly Themes

  • Oxen (February 9 - March 21): A year of great partnership, friendship, and love life. Oxen should focus on relationships and make decisions carefully to avoid challenges.
  • Tigers (March 21 - April 19): A challenging year with conflicts and unexpected challenges in work and love. Tigers should prioritize their physical and mental health.
  • Rabbits (April 19 - May 20): A boost in luck and energy, with opportunities for success at work and personal growth.
  • Dragon (May 20 - June 21): A year of healing and recovery after the “Ben Ming Nian” last year. Dragons should focus on self-care and take things slow.

Zodiac Signs and Their Characteristics

  • Oxen: Complementary to Hui He Tai Sui, which is an auspicious position. Oxen should prioritize relationships and make decisions carefully.
  • Tigers: Challenging due to conflicts with Xing Tai Sui. Tigers should focus on their physical and mental health and avoid conflicts when possible.
  • Rabbits: Enjoying great opportunities for success at work and personal growth. Rabbits should gain more self-confidence and take up new exercises.
  • Dragon: A year of healing and recovery, but also challenging due to the “Ben Ming Nian” last year’s lingering effects.


  • Oxen: Focus on relationships and make decisions carefully in the first half of the year before prioritizing their own needs in the second half.
  • Tigers: Avoid conflicts and take care of your physical and mental health, especially during challenges like Xing Tai Sui.
  • Rabbits: Take up new exercises and routines to maintain self-confidence, and enjoy great opportunities for success at work.
  • Dragon: Focus on healing and recovery after the “Ben Ming Nian” last year’s lingering effects.

Overall, the geomancer emphasizes that each zodiac sign has its unique characteristics and potential events associated with it. By understanding these characteristics and following their advice, individuals can navigate the challenges and opportunities presented in 2025.

美国首先( America First )不总会 wins(获胜)。



谷歌就其支付服务事宜在法庭上与美国政府的相关部门对簿公堂。据谷歌称,其与美国消费者金融保护局(CFPB)之间的官司已经持续了三年的时间,尽管该机构下令监管谷歌支付和用户支付的情况。这引发了人们询问是否谷歌的成功与美国政府的关联有关,或是否谷歌的成功表明美国对限制AI技术实施的过度 restrictions。


谷歌被认为是中国 AI startup DeepSeek的一家,深Seekclaim能够竞争性地建立在传统美国 AI 模型中。然而,大多数人和专家都质疑DeepSeek的成功与美国政府的关联,因为它实际上利用了外国高质量的计算机组件(高端组件)来 trains其新AI模型 R1。

优化 suger

  1. 根据深 Seek 的成功,强调其在 AI 技术中是如何取得优势的,而不是简单地表明谷歌的成功与美国政府的关联。
  2. 提倡更多对限制 AI 技术实施的重视,因为此外还需要更彻底地查明该技术的来源和开发。


谷歌在法庭中与美国消费者金融保护局(CFPB)之间进行了官司,目前尚未确定其与该机构的关系或是否表明了美国对限制 AI 技术实施的过度。虽然谷歌声称,其与 CFPB 之间的官司持续了三年的时间,但仍有争议性质。它是如何取得成功,以及深 Seek 能够在 AI 技术中取得优势,这些都是需要重视和明确的。


此输出对于塑造对深 Seek 和美国政府之间关系以及对限制 AI 技术实施的重视具有重要作用。这会帮助人们了解 AI 技术中复杂的社会问题,并有助于制定更明智和可行的政策决策。



  1. ** stealthy operations**: 北朝鲜军队的主要目标是隐瞒其行动,使用机器人和其他伪装技术来实现这一目的。
  2. 用船子扔入:北朝鲜军队已经将大约 200 个潜艇运到俄罗斯海岸,用于干涉俄罗斯沿海、海口以及部分远程攻击目标。
  3. 火力支援:北朝鲜军队也提供了支持性的火力支援,以帮助俄罗斯军队在战区的稳定和控制。


  1. 情报活动:北朝鲜已经开始利用其在中东和平民地区进行情报工作,了解俄罗斯对该地区的反应。
  2. 经济干预:北朝鲜已采取行动来影响俄罗斯的经济和能源市场,以损害俄罗斯的经济稳定。


  1. 使用水兵:北朝鲜在海上运载了大量水兵,帮助它们穿过俄罗斯沿海和攻击俄罗斯沿海。
  2. 火力支持:北朝鲜提供了支持性的火力支援,以帮助俄罗斯军队在战区的稳定和控制。

北朝鲜军队在俄罗斯战争中的动作中表明他们对俄罗斯国家和其政策有着深刻的依从性。 这篇文章描述了北 Korean Forces (NFC) 在 clashes with Ukrainian forces 的行为和方法。 NFC 的行为被认为是被动且疏远外界观察者的表现,这些行为得以证明其对地面战略的不愿意。

NFC 在冲突中展现出多种 tactics,包括:

  • 通过使用 fake Russian military ID 来尝试模仿外部力量的存在和行动
  • 使用 fake radio codes 来模仿外部力量的操作
  • 使用 fake military IDs 来模仿外部力量的目标
  • 使用各种手段来消除对其战术目标的抵抗

NFC 的行动被认为是缺乏激情和决心的表现,这些行为得以证明其不愿意参加地面战略。

NFC also demonstrated a lack of training and expertise in counter-drone operations, with one soldier suggesting that his unit could take out up to 30 enemy soldiers per day using only grenades.

NFC’s actions have been described as ruthless and lacking in empathy. They seem to be more interested in demonstrating their power and capabilities rather than participating in the conflict or showing respect for their enemies.

Overall, NFC’s behavior has raised concerns about its willingness to engage in a war with Ukraine and its willingness to employ tactics that may harm civilians and show disregard for human life.

It is also worth noting that NFC’s actions have been criticized by experts who argue that they demonstrate the country’s lack of strategic thinking and leadership.

迪卡帕多坎 (Deepika Padukone) 和 克里斯蒂(Taylor Swift) 出演米兰服装展上场。



Mumbai CNN — Camera phones at the ready, around 700 guests hailing from across India and the world expected a visual spectacle on Saturday evening — and they weren’t disappointed. A hush descended as the doors opened to the Jio World Center in Mumbai, where legendary Indian fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee presented a star-studded 25th anniversary runway show for his namesake brand.


  • Sabyasachi Mukherjee是一位著名的印度时尚设计师,他以其极为多样和创意的作品而闻名。
  • 在上演此次重要典型服装表演的背景下,Mukherjee提出了对人类关系与个人意义之间的探讨,并宣言了“人类将成为一个高端世界的存在”。这让观众惊叹不已,尤其是在这样的时刻。
  • Mukherjee在他的母亲 tongue Bengali 中唱的主题曲以及他的音乐作品都表明了他对印度文化和历史的深信不移。
  • 这次典型服装表演为“India’s first global luxury brand” 的扩张打下基础,预计将推出新款产品、香水类别和品牌化妆品等。


  • Sabyasachi Mukherjee是一位著名的印度时尚设计师,他以其极为多样和创意的作品而闻名。
  • Mukherjee在他母亲 tongue Bengali 中唱的主题曲以及他的音乐作品都表明了他对印度文化和历史的深信不移。
  • 这次典型服装表演为“India’s first global luxury brand” 的扩张打下基础,预计将推出新款产品、香水类别和品牌化妆品等。


  • “人类将成为一个高端世界的存在”
  • “人类将成为一个高端世界的存在”
  • “我们将从天然材料和地理特征中创造出美丽的设计”
  • “人類將成為一個高端世界”
  • “这次典型服装表演为“India’s first global luxury brand” 的扩张打下基础,预计将推出新款产品、香水类别和品牌化妆品等”。


  • 25 年
  • 25 年的典型服装表演
  • “ India’s first global luxury brand”
  • “全球首创”