美国副国王Donald Trump 在 2023 年 1 月 10 日推出了一项决定对 TikTokcompany的支付服务行为做出了延迟。
这项决定在中国被批评为“美国政府的 robbery”,而中国官员则表示希望“解决问题"。
TikTok用户面临着可能被 Chinese censorship拖起或被停运的问题。
- 2023 年 1 月 10 日,美国副国王Donald Trump推出了一项决定对tiktok公司的支付服务行为做出了延迟。
- tiktok公司被批评为“美国政府的 robbery” ,而中国官员则表示希望“解决问题"。
- TikTok用户面临着可能被Chinese censorship拖起或被停运的问题。
世界卫生组织(WHO)的撤退是一个重大事件,受益于美国的移除。总统唐纳德·特朗普表示 hôm 14 月 18 日在白宫发表了行政命令,宣布他将与美国退出全球健康组织。 根据总统的新令,他将“对该组织及其行动进行处理”有关COVID-19疫情期间出现的问题。他指出,该组织过去的“混乱”,“其不应予以被证明”,以及“它无法独立地解决全球健康问题”。 “这一决定是一个大一举”,特朗普说。 “这将导致一个政治空白,一个美国无法填补的 void”。 该事件遭到公众卫生专家们批评,他们指出撤离会损害世界卫生组织在疫情处理中的作用。 2020 年当时,美国总统多布林在总统唐纳德·特朗普下令退出组织时也批评了这决定,他称之为“对真实无赖的决定”。 在过去两年里,特朗普一直持续批评世界卫生组织,2019-2020 年期间他还曾质疑它是否会“掩盖 COVID-19 的起源”和扩散。 然而,在白宫发表了总统决定时,这些事件遭到记者们的关注,美国立法会也批评了决定。 一位共和党senators,劳伦斯·戈สตин称他不同意总统“撤离”的决定,“组织是一个很重要的机构”,“在没有美国资金和领导力的情况下,它无法继续开展工作”。 在其他方面,他指出,中国将“取代世界卫生组织”并可能“增加全球健康组织中的中国的政治影响力”。
“中共不满 Trump 拽住了 TikTok "
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/21/tech/trump-tiktok-china-intl-hnk/index.html
总结:美国副国王Donald Trump推出了一项决定对tiktok公司的支付服务行为做出了延迟。该决定在中国被批评为“美国政府的 robbery”,而中国官员则表示希望“解决问题”。美国 TikTok用户面临着可能被 Chinese censorship 拖起或被停运的问题。
- 2023 年 1 月 10 日,美国副国王Donald Trump推出了一项决定对tiktok公司的支付服务行为做出了延迟。
- tiktok公司被批评为“美国政府的 robbery” ,而中国官员则表示希望“解决问题”。
- TikTok用户面临着可能被Chinese censorship拖起或被停运的问题。
source: https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-president-news-01-21-25/index.html
1917年,第二次世界大战爆发时,他参加了海军服役。他于1918年被任命为美军的海军部队的指挥官,在第一次 WORLD WAR I 中担任总部副本长。
1920年,斯塔尔出身美国海军 academy,然后进入白宫工作,成为美国大使馆在巴西总理贝尼奥什(Benito Mussolini)执政时的助理。
1929年和1930年,他担任美国海军部长。 无法提供所需内容。是否您需要什么帮助或信息?
source: https://edition.cnn.com/science/cambodia-biodiversity-rare-species-c2e-spc/index.html
The article reports on the results of a comprehensive biodiversity survey conducted in Virachey National Park, Cambodia’s largest national park. The survey was led by conservation organization Fauna & Flora, which describes the Annamites as the “Amazon of Asia.” The team used camera traps to gather data and worked closely with local indigenous communities.
The survey revealed that 9 species were new to the park, including:
- Large-antlered muntjac
- Sokolov’s glass lizard
- Vietnamese leaf-toed gecko
- Critically endangered large-antlered muntjac (first recorded sighting in Cambodia)
- Dwarf loach (endangered freshwater fish)
- Asiatic softshell turtle
- Asian black bear
The survey also found that the park is a critical habitat for several endangered species, including:
- Northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon
- Large-antlered muntjac
The article highlights the importance of Virachey National Park in terms of biodiversity and conservation. The park provides a vital habitat for many species and plays a crucial role in preserving the natural resources of the area.
Some specific threats mentioned in the article include:
- Deforestation and forest degradation
- Habitat fragmentation
- Snaring (using thin wire nooses to catch animals)
The article concludes by emphasizing that the survey is the first step towards strengthening management and conservation strategies for Virachey National Park, and that more research is needed to protect this biodiversity hotspot.
Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the state of Virachey National Park’s biodiversity and highlights the importance of conservation efforts in protecting this natural resource.
由于我没有具体的信息,我无法准确提供关于 Inauguration Day 2025 的 details。然而,据 reports,美国总统 Joe Biden 在 2021 年 3 月 29 日被选出担任第 46 个美国总统。
source: https://edition.cnn.com/politics/fact-check-trump-inauguration/index.html
如果你需要获取更多详细信息,请从相关报道或 sources 中查找。 This article is a fact-checking piece that reveals numerous instances of misinformation and inaccuracies spread by former US President Donald Trump during his presidency. Here are some key points:
Misinformation about China:
- Trump claimed to have pressured China into stopping its purchases of oil from Iran, but this claim has been debunked by experts as false.
- China’s oil imports from Iran did not stop after Trump left office; in fact, they continued at a similar level before 2021.
Misinformation about the Panama Canal:
- Trump falsely claimed that the Panama Canal was controlled by China and that he had negotiated with Chinese officials to take it back.
- The actual operator of the Panama Canal is the Panama Canal Authority, which has Panamanian officials on its board.
Misinformation about Iran’s funding for Hamas and Hezbollah:
- Trump incorrectly stated that Iran “didn’t have money” for these groups during his presidency.
- However, experts later confirmed that Iran continued to fund these groups even after Trump took office in 2017.
Other instances of misinformation:
- Trump claimed that Spain is a member of the BRICS international organization, but this claim has been debunked by multiple sources.
- Trump falsely stated that China is operating the Panama Canal and that he had negotiated with Chinese officials to take it back.
Overall, this article highlights how misinformation spread during Trump’s presidency, often through false claims about foreign countries, international organizations, and economic relationships.