由于该 incident 在 2023 年 1 月发生,这将使人们在 2024 年 2 月或更早一些考虑是否应该进行大型航行或高次级飞行。许多航空公司正在关闭所有大型航行以便确保安全,因此乘客不会被迫参加这些航班。这意味着乘客无法参与任何潜在的问题,但他们可以通过以下步骤来降低风险:
- 选择不太危险的航线和时间
- 选择合适的乘机人数
- 了解更多信息,包括每一站的气候情况、飞行路线和当地安全状况
- 如果有必要,联系航空公司或航空协会
- 国际航空安全组织 (ICAO):是世界上唯一由国家政府组成的国际 aviation 合作组织,目的是为全球航空安全做出贡献。
- US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):负责协调美国所有民航机构和飞行员在美国进行飞行以及接近美国 airspace 时所需的安全规定和要求。
- South Korea International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO):是一家由 193 个国家政府组成的国际航空组织,旨在为全球航空安全做出贡献。
关于SAF 的信息:
- South Korean government official statement : “We are taking this incident very seriously, as it has the potential to impact many lives and travel plans. We will do our best to ensure that passengers feel safe during this time.”
- SAF CEO Kim E-bae : “I think there is still a lot we don’t know about what happened in 2023… ICAO will allow for US agencies, like the NTSB and FAA, to assist South Korea in the investigation.”
- 国际气象组织 (NOAA):负责在全球范围内对气象预测做出贡献。
- US National Weather Service (NWS):负责协调美国的天气服务,为人们提供可靠、准确的天气预测和警告。
2021 年 6 月,印度 Space Exploration Board (SEB) 和 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) 总部共同进行了一个重要的发射计划,即印度首次进行.space docking(在太空连接两个 spacecraft)实验。
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/30/india/india-launches-space-docking-mission-intl-hnk/index.html
这个 experiments旨在测试两组 spacecraft之间连接的技术,并将其用于未来与天气卫星、satellite constellation 等任务。
印度 Space Docking Mission (IDM) 的设计和实施过程比前几次 space docking 任务更为复杂,包括了使用太空地面载体进行实验,以及对两个 spacecraft之间连接的详细测试。这个项目的目标是将空间和地面结合起来进行研究和发展。
在 IDM 的最后一阶段,两组 spacecraft会与 nhau建立联系,并完成实验。具体来说,印度 Space Docking Mission 将两组 spacecraft连接为一个大物体,然后将该大物体用于未来的天气卫星、satellite constellation 等任务。
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India launches its first space docking mission on December 30, 2024. From ISRO/X Bengaluru, India Reuters — India launched its first space docking mission on Monday, on an Indian-made rocket, in an attempt to become the fourth country to achieve the advanced technological feat.
印度首次进行其space docking mission于December 30, 2024。由ISRO/ Bengaluru出发,印度 launch了首个空间 docking mission,这是一项成功的理想例子,成为第四個成功的国际实验室。该项目,称为Space Docking Experiment(SpaDeX),以Indian-made的P SLV rocket载着,试图实现此次技术的重大进步。这个小型卫星将在470公里环形轨道中运载两支小型卫星,即每个飞行器重量约220公斤,每个卫星携带了一个 imaging系统和一种电池监测原子辐射水平等重要数据,用于未来人类的spaceflight。 ISRO总裁S. Somanath表示实际的实试可能在一周后就完成,并在Jan 7之后实现最终nominal日期。
从 December 30, 2024,印度首次成功进行其space docking mission。该项目由ISRO/ Bengaluru出发,Indian-made的P SLV rocket载着。该小型卫星将在470公里环形轨道运载两支小型卫星,每个飞行器重量约220公斤。这些卫星携带了一个 imaging系统和一种电池监测原子辐射水平等重要数据,用于未来人类的spaceflight。ISRO总裁S. Somanath表示实际的实试可能在一周后就完成,并在Jan 7之后实现最终nominal日期,展示印度成为第四个成功的国际实验室,能够在外太空中进行多种研究和运载任务。
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source: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/china-cr450-bullet-train-prototype-intl-hnk/index.html
CR450AF bullet train prototype: China’s latest high-speed marvel
中国国家铁路集团(CNCR)今天揭露了其新-generation高 tốc车型,即CR450AF, claiming它将成为世界上最高速度的高速列车。该车已经在贝ijing测试达到了 450公里/小时的试验速度,并有一个操作速度达到 400公里/小时。
- 高-speed性能:CR450AF具有最高行驶速度为 450公里/小时的能力。
- 能效性:该车的设计和技术将降低排放物质并改善节能效率。
- 声音控制:CR450AF boasted impressive noise-reduction capabilities.
- 传动系统:该车的传动系统 boast innovative technologies。
中国国铁集团认为,在接下来几年内,该车将在全球铁路市场中占有重要地位。该车的高性能、节能特性以及便捷运输能力将使其成为快速和舒适的选择之一。这一新闻还被来自《华盛顿邮报》(CNN)的报道和摄影师(Ben Jones)报道。
中国的CR450AF bullet train prototype展示了该公司最新的高性能、高效、节能设计。该车将在全球铁路市场中占据重要地位,成为快速和舒适的选择之一。
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/31/china/who-china-covid-origin-data-five-years-intl-hnk/index.html
“中国政府已经提供了许多COVID-19数据,并且我们正在努力获取更多数据。我们希望中国能够为我们的工作提供更多的信息,从事必要的研究和合作…",said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, 伦敦卫生理学学院准教授。
“中国政府对于其国民的健康非常重要,我们愿意为了解 COVID-19 的原始源头做出任何努力。我们也希望中国能够提供有关该病源的更多信息…",说了一个同样的话。
英国卫生部的Dr. Jenny Strachan说,她的国家正在与中国进行合作,包括研究传染病和遗传学,为了了解COVID-19的起源。
“我们非常感激中国政府将其疾病控制中心提供的数据给了我们的国家。我们希望能够继续从这个来源获取更多信息,以促进我们对 COVID-19 的理解…",说了一位发言人。
中国疾病控制与预防中心在2022年11月表示,将向世界卫生组织和其他机构提供其研究数据。这将为医学界提供了有关COVID-19源头的重要线索。 摘要:
2019年12月31日,World Health Organization(WHO)发现一组“呼吸症状”在华东地区出现,这使中国政府担忧到可能存在疫情。随后,政府对所有患者进行了监控和治疗,导致大规模的 lockdown,并防止其他地区感染。然而,科学家们仍然无法确定疫情的起源,因为病毒还没有被直接检测出来。多年来,中国政府一直拒绝提供有关病毒来源的信息。
2020年5月,在华东地区出现一组“呼吸症状”,引发了WHO关于疫情起源的关注。随后,政府对所有患者进行了监控和治疗,导致大规模的 lockdown,并防止其他地区感染。
- 2019年12月31日,WHO发现一组“呼吸症状”在华东地区出现。
- 2020年5月,华东地区出现一组“呼吸症状”,引发了WHO关于疫情起源的关注。
- Chinese政府对所有患者进行了监控和治疗,导致大规模的 lockdown,并防止其他地区感染。
- COVID-19
- 华东地区
- 口腔呼吸症状
- 监控
- lockdown
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/31/politics/carter-trump-foreign-policy-analysis/index.html
The article discusses how President Joe Biden’s campaign manager, Ron Klain, has been attempting to revive Joe Biden’s legacy by making connections with former US President Barack Obama, including sharing a social media post about a tweet from Obama. However, this approach is being seen as an attempt to replicate the success of Donald Trump in 2016.
The article also highlights the ongoing legacy issues associated with Biden’s presidency, particularly with regards to Iran and North Korea, which were key issues during his predecessor’s term. The author notes that despite Trump’s efforts to rebrand himself as a strong leader, many Americans still perceive him as weak on national security due to his handling of the 2023 October 7 attacks in Syria.
Furthermore, the article emphasizes that Biden will face similar challenges with Iran and North Korea, including the potential for increased tensions between the US and Iran. The author notes that the Islamic Republic is weaker than it has been for years, making a decisive action against its leadership more difficult to achieve.
The article also highlights the ongoing rivalry in China, particularly under President Xi Jinping’s leadership. Biden’s decision to reopen negotiations with China on the Panama Canal Treaties, which were signed during Trump’s presidency, is being seen as an attempt to revive US-China relations and address growing tensions between the two nations.
Overall, the article suggests that while Biden may be attempting to revitalize his legacy by leveraging connections to other presidents, he will still face significant challenges with regards to Iran, North Korea, and China. The author concludes that it is unclear how successful Biden’s efforts will be in addressing these issues, but notes that the ongoing geopolitical tangles associated with his predecessor’s term are unlikely to change anytime soon.
Some key points from the article:
- President Joe Biden’s campaign manager, Ron Klain, has been making connections with former US Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
- Biden is attempting to revive his legacy by sharing a social media post about a tweet from Obama, but this approach is being seen as an attempt to replicate Trump’s success in 2016.
- The ongoing legacy issues associated with Biden’s presidency, particularly with regards to Iran and North Korea, are still widely perceived negatively by the public.
- Biden will face similar challenges with Iran and North Korea, including increased tensions between the US and its allies.
- President Xi Jinping is weakening as an adversary in China, making a decisive action against his leadership more difficult to achieve.
《联合신문》报道,韩国 supreme court 给予总统 尹Soon- Jae 的抗议者对其政府 还有指控 的支持。
根据报道,韩国最高Court已批准该国最高法庭对前总理 尹Soon- Jae 与他政界同僻 的支持活动进行审查。 这次审查被称为涉及到大规模的民主运动、抗议活动和反政府活动。
《韩国首相 office_ 传单:2023 年 12 月 14 日
- Supreme Court 批准总统尹Soon- Jae 的抗议者支持指控
- 总统尹Soon- Jae 维护权力的审查被批准
本文为关于韩国总统尹瑞熙(Yoon Suk Yeol)被逮捕的头条新闻摘要。
- 尹瑞熙在2024年12月3日宣布将军事干预作为解决方案。
- 该总统被指控违反了韩国法律,包括道德问题。
- 反对派在2024年12月3日投票结果被阻止,因为尹瑞熙曾表明可能使用军队来解决冲突。
- 尹瑞熙宣布将军事干预作为解决方案。
- 尹瑞熙涉及到道德问题,引发了广泛的争议和反对。
- 该总统被指控侵犯国家权威并不再是受众最喜欢的人物。
中国-backed hacker group allegedly breach US Treasury workstations
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/30/investing/china-hackers-treasury-workstations/index.html
Chinese State-Sponsored Actor Infiltrates US Treasury Workstations
US Treasury officials have confirmed that a Chinese state-sponsored actor infiltrated their workstations, compromising sensitive information and classified documents. The incident occurred when hackers gained access to a stolen key used by the vendor to secure a cloud-based service.
Key Findings:
- A third-party software service provider, BeyondTrust, identified a security incident on December 2 involving its Remote Support product.
- The company notified “limited number” of customers after confirming anomalous behavior in the product and posted information on its website on December 8.
- No other BeyondTrust products were involved.
Affected Systems:
- Several Treasury user workstations were accessed, but exact number not disclosed.
- US Treasury officials are working with law enforcement agencies, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and third-party forensic investigators.
- A classified briefing will be held for staff from the House Financial Services Committee next week to address the breach.
1997年,Korean Air Flight 801从韩国东南航空公司经营的首尔国際机场起飞,途经日本后落毁于海上。事故造成26人死亡。
source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/30/business/south-korean-airline-crash-investigation/index.html
2020年3月,韩国联邦调查局公布了其报告,称该事故的主要原因是“飞行员在酒精中使用了大量酒精后出现的行为”。 The article discusses the South Korean Air Force (SAF) 737-800 crash that occurred on January 8, 2023, which killed all 181 people on board and injured many more. The investigation into the crash is ongoing, with officials from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Boeing’s manufacturer, have been involved.
Here are some key points from the article:
- Investigation complexities: The investigation is being led by a team of experts from ICAO, the FAA, and Boeing, who will examine various aspects of the crash, including the pilot, environment, and aircraft design.
- Pilot training: Experts point out that speculation about pilot error may be premature, as they believe it’s essential to understand the circumstances surrounding the crash before making any conclusions.
- US agencies involved: US airlines are working closely with investigators, but their comments on the matter are limited by ICAO regulations requiring them to assist in the investigation and report.
- Lessons learned: Despite the complexity of the case, experts believe that passengers can rest assured that air travel remains safe. However, they encourage caution and vigilance during this time.
- SAF’s response: The South Korean government has announced measures to reduce flights until March 2025 to mitigate potential disruption to air travel.
Some key quotes from the article include:
- “The spotlight will always be drawn to the pilot training… We’re definitely trying to run pilots through training much faster, trying to do it as efficiently as we can…” - Southwest Airlines spokesperson
- “It’s completely understandable for passengers to be concerned about air travel when these incidents arise, but air travel remains safe.” - SAF CEO Kim E-bae
- “When you get to an accident site, you capture as many things that will not be there tomorrow as they are when you get there… ICAO will allow for US agencies, like the NTSB and FAA, to assist South Korea in the investigation, he said.